The Future Is Renewables, but HeatX Cleans Up Fossil Fuels Now

heco kahe power plant heatx 2

Like other industry experts, Oceanit knows that sustainable and renewable energy must be the focus of the future. Solar, hydroelectric, wind, and more are the direction that infrastructure must go; yet the process to get to that point is slow– not least of all because of cost. Newer power plants are a large investment and the kilowatt/hour cost may cost upwards of 20% more than the current energy production standard.

While renewable energy is developed further and implemented in stages, technology does allow us to make existing fossil fuel systems more efficient and greener. Using our nanoparticle coating HeatX, we can help improve the system in a way that is less expensive to implement while still improving the ecological footprint of the existing systems.

Follow this this link to learn more about our coatings, why and how they work, and what this means for the future of energy infrastructure in Hawai’i and across the world.
