Design Thinking at Kapolei High School


“Design Thinking” is the process we use to drive Oceanit’s Mind-to-Market approach to problem solving and communications. Design Thinking can be used across an unlimited number of situations and industries.

Oceanit’s Ian Kitajima and Abe Toma, together with trusted innovation consultants, were invited to host a Design Thinking seminar for the entire staff and faculty- teachers and support staff alike- of Kapolei High School, with the intent of fostering more efficient and constructive communication through the entire educational chain to benefit generations of students to come.

The Design Thinking workshop was hosted on August 2-3 2018, in the Kapolei High School cafeteria. Approximately 150 staff – from all departments, including teachers, security, custodial staff, and the admin team – volunteered to attend the two-day training. The first day of training was an introduction to Design Thinking along with basic team building, beginning brainstorming, and interviews with relevant members of the educational community including student, parents, Department of Education representatives, and elected officials. Day two was focused on the cahllenge of makign Kapolei High School “THE place to be” and was dedicated to small group activities; in depth problem solving and develop plans for how to communicate more efficiently and clearly, with value placed on collaboration and intuitive responses to challenges.

For Kapolei High School, our goal was to work towards a more collaborative educational environment, and to adjust mindsets making those who teach the younger generations more receptive and open-minded to the constantly fluctuating needs of incoming students. Every generation, class, and keiki have different needs, strengths, and ways of communicating: Design Thinking avoids stagnancy, incouranges innovation, and makes sure that students feel valued and understood in order to instill lifelong positive communication techniques, and help protect the future of Hawaii with the next generation of business leaders and forward thinkers.

Read more about Design Thinking here:


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