Aviation Week MRO Americas 2022 | Oceanit Presents AeroPel

Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center 650 S Griffin St., Dallas, United States

You're invited! Come visit us at booth #3540 of the Aviation Week MRO Americas conference in Dallas, Texas at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, April 26-28. Oceanit's AeroPel Nanocomposite Protective Layer (NPL) is the next gen of corrosion and ice protection for the aviation industry. Water-based omniphobic and chemical-based icephobic NPLs impart surface protection against corrosion for structures and components, superhydrophobic properties to limit ice nucleation and reduce adhesion strength, MIC & fouling prevention, and more. Registration to attend is FREE until March 18th.  

Hydrogen Engineering Challenges II: Pipeline Infrastructure Event by Darcy Partners

Virtual Event

Oceanit Dr. Vinod Veedu will join a Darcy Partners panel event on Tuesday, February 14, 2023: Hydrogen Engineering Challenges II: Pipeline Infrastructure. As Hydrogen energy projects move further into development as part of a global energy transformation, technology solutions are needed to tackle the unique engineering challenges that these projects bring. This event will be the second of a series highlighting solutions in this space, this time: Pipeline Infrastructure. Darcy's Hydrogen Engineering Challenges event series covers technologies such as hydrogen specific compressors, sensors, flow meters, pipelines/pipeline coatings to combat embrittlement, purification technology, and more. In their inaugural Hydrogen Engineering Challenges Event in December, they covered the topic of storage infrastructure, and in this February 2023 event, will be highlighting solutions to address the massive infrastructure challenges of Hydrogen transmission/distribution in pipeline infrastructure. Due to the chemical differences of hydrogen, there are major infrastructure considerations with storage and transport that need to be considered, even in blending applications. Many utilities have started planning for feasibility studies to understand the effect blending hydrogen into vintage infrastructure would have, but solutions are needed from new compressor equipment, leakproof valves, integrated leak detection devices, different welding techniques, materials, and even pipeline retrofits. In this event, Oceanit's Vinod Veedu will be joined by Robin McIntosh, Director of Operations at SmartPipe along with their user, Enbridge, represented by Alex MacLean. Speakers: - Donny T. McCallum, Chief Financial Officer at SmartPipe Technologies - Vinod Veedu - Director of Strategic Initiatives at Oceanit - Alex MacLean - Strategy & Market Innovation, Low Carbon Development at Enbridge